Perhaps you're an athlete who thinks you can no longer get better, or be faster? You know your training needs to be more effective, but don't know what to do?
Are you like the hundreds of athletes we've worked with here at Pursuit Athletic Performance who is sidelined by frequent injury or frustrated by lack of progress? You out-train, out-practice, and out-think your competition, yet it's not working?
We're here to tell you that the training paradigms used by most coaches are BROKEN. How else do you explain that 70% of all runners are injured in a calendar year? 70%! It does not have to be that way.
We're pleased to offer you our new, FREE, 29-page ebook, Unleash Your Potential 101. The book is chock full of information and videos to help you learn the TRUTH about what it really takes to be as fast as you can be, while also becoming a more durable and injury-resistant athlete. We see this ebook is the first step in your athletic re-education.
Our mission here at PAP is to offer you a powerful shift in your athletic development, no matter what your sport. We CAN improve YOUR game. We CAN fix YOUR body--perhaps once and for all. You WILL be fitter, healthier, more durable, more resilient--and FASTER--than ever before.
So are you ready to unleash that potential you KNOW is in there? Download the book, then let's get this conversation started!
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